After five days of festival frenzy I started to feel a little bit on a low energy. I wasn't even so interested anymore about seeing Clint Eastwood or Angelina Jolie walking somewhere close by... Anyhow the festival was inspiring and thought provoking - but after seeing quite many films the question arises: does every film really have to be about so dark subject matters? - well, maybe it's the sign of the times - or at least this year was.
From the many good films I saw during the festival the "Involuntary" by Ruben Östlund stood out. It was somehow very true and very funny at the same time. I did have some trouble understanding the message of the film - but maybe that is not always so important. Also "Cloud 9" by Andreas Dresen was a beautiful film about elderly people in love. Absolutely great actors!
>>Link: "Involuntary" in Screen Daily
>>Link: "Cloud 9" in Variety